Artist Spotlight: rEDOLENT on latest single
Ahead of the release of their new single ‘jUST tRYING tO rELAX’, we caught up with Scotland-based indie band rEDOLENT to discuss the track and their upcoming live performances.
Photo by Simpson Studios
Tell us a bit about yourselves and your music!
Hi! We went all in on this band a couple years ago, quit our jobs and grafted online to fund an album. We released a tune and then one of the biggest labels in the world signed us and dropped us straightaway. At the moment we’re just starting to release a massive backlog of tunes ourselves whilst trying to make ends meet and working on new stuff most days at Post Electric Studios in Edinburgh.
How are you feeling in advance of your shows later this month?
Excited, it’s always fun to get in the van, or this time we’ve rented a minibus actually so we’ll see how that goes. We reworked our set recently, we’re feeling good about it, finally getting to play the songs we’ve worked on for so long. Some of them are even out now, I saw someone mouthing along in the crowd at the last one we did.
Your new release is called jUST tRYING tO rELAX. What can you tell us about the inspiration behind the song?
It’s about _-**anxiety**- _ and losing control to that. And saying stuff you don’t mean to people and then instantly being all apologetic and regretful. And the increasing ridiculousness as that repeats. Sometimes we lose it in here at each other when making these songs.
l heard that for your last EP, make big money fast online now, you decided to experiment by producing it as fast as possible. Did you take a similar creative approach for this release or did you take it at a slower pace?
The absolute opposite. It’s taken about 5 years to get to this point, when we’re actually releasing it. I can’t believe it each time I look at Spotify and one of the songs from it is actually on there.
What’s next for you as a band? Are you looking to do more live shows?
We’ve got so many songs ready to go, so hopefully we can release something every month for the next two years or so, and just see where that takes us. Most shows we get offered we do, because we really enjoy getting away together. It’s hard to plan really, just depends what we get offered. We’ll definitely still be writing weird wee tunes together in our room in Post Electric though.